A Report on Hearing Healthy Foods and Nutrients to Add to Your Shopping List

Hearing Health Blog
Eat more carrots for good vision, is probably a bit of advice most of us were told as kids. Chances are that you were not given any similar recommendations about which foods were beneficial to your hearing or ears. Nowadays we can tell our children what things to eat for healthy hearing and ears, and also sensible for us to follow our own advice!

Numerous things may contribute to loss of hearing, including infections, age and noise. Nutrients in the following foods may help prevent some common reasons for hearing loss.

Music artists, construction workers, and other workers in contact with loud noises, are at a high risk for hearing damage. Individuals with a profession or leisure activity exposing them to extreme noise, can help take care of their hearing with potatoes, banana, artichokes, or any sort of foods loaded with the mineral magnesium. Despite the fact that the precise mechanism is not understood, animal and human research studies have shown that magnesium helps defend against noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL).

Surprisingly, research indicates that fish such as trout and salmon which contains omega 3 fats and vitamin D, may slow age-related hearing problems. Other smart omega 3 fats and vitamin D sources are the anchovies on your pizza and those tuna fish most likely sitting in your pantry. For hearing help in your later years, eat any one of these at least twice per week.

The good news is that even some foods we consider treats, such as dark chocolate, are good for hearing health. The zinc present in dark chocolate helps prevent zinc deficiencies which are connected to age-related hearing loss. If you don’t care for dark chocolate, eat some oysters on the half shell; any foods that contain zinc will work!

Exposure to loud noise can lead to the formation of damaging free radicals bringing about the demise of sensitive inner ear hair cells. Antioxidants and folic acid can help impede or prevent tissue damage from free radicals. A few foods rich in folic acid and antioxidants are eggs, nuts, asparagus and spinach.

Along with encouraging our kids and grandkids to eat carrots for better vision, now we can help them protect their hearing and minimize possible hearing problems with specific food suggestions.

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