How Hearing Aids Are Programmed

Hearing Health Blog
While hearing aids have been lauded as one of the best inventions in recent memory, for many people they are devices that are too non-specific. While this is true of the older models that were programmed by the user, it is important to realize that newer models make the best use of technology to help the user as an individual. The technology and potential outcomes are incredible, but they need to be programmed by the careful hands of an audiologist. By looking at this process we will see the way that hearing aids can be programmed and how people can benefit.

What Factors Can Be Adjusted?

People who suffer from hearing loss will be able to customize various aspects of their hearing aid. The audiologist may advise you that your particular device is not able to change all of the following parts of your hearing aid device, but they are each important: max power output, frequency values, volume, noise reduction capabilities and environmental sound input. Of course, there are many different reasons why all of these can need to be adjusted for the individual, and everyone’s needs are unique.

Processing Time

There are many different ways that people with hearing loss can benefit from their hearing aids. Back in the older days, if you had a hearing aid, the settings it came with were what you had to deal with unless you were handy with a screwdriver. Now there are many different ways that you can go about having your hearing adjusted for your benefit. You have to see a hearing professional in order to get the results that are made for your specific hearing needs. They will take you through several types of tests that are made to help you find the best hearing levels. Do not be concerned if you have to go back to the doctor in order to have another adjustment made because your brain’s hearing perceptions may change over time. It is just another step towards having the optimal hearing available to you.

Programming Hearing Aids

There are many things that your hearing specialist can do to make your hearing aid fit your needs perfectly. They have the ability to give make your hearing aid capable of producing sounds for you to make up for changes in environment and setting. There are generally three ways that they focus on helping people: using real-ear probes, simulations, and visual speech mapping. The ear probes can detect how much sound actually makes it into your inner ear so that they can look at how well your hearing aid works at amplification. Knowing this, they can use the information received from mapping how your brain handles speech stimuli to determine the best way to program your hearing aid. Following this, they come up with many different simulations that mimic the outside world to see how your hearing aid performs. Once all of the final adjustments have been made for you, you are able to take your device home and enjoy the best hearing that can come from your hearing aid.

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