Hearing Aid Battery Sizes 101

Hearing Health Blog
There is no one answer to the question “What kind of hearing aid battery will I need?” because hearing aid models and the batteries that power them common in many varieties. If you already use a hearing aid, review the device’s manual or the professionals who fit it for you to determine the proper battery type and size. If you’re still shopping for a hearing aid and trying to choose which model is right for you, you might wish to do some comparison shopping to help you in your decision. Different types of hearing aid batteries vary greatly in cost, and in battery life, so your selection of hearing aid will affect the amount of money you spend in the long run to use it.

The good news is that hearing aid battery packaging uses a standardized system of color coding. Hearing aid batteries of the same size and type will always have the identical color code on their packages, irrespective of who made them.

Most likely your hearing aid will utilize one of the following:

The color orange corresponds to Size 13 hearing aid batteries. Size 13 batteries are intermediate in size and hold a charge for approximately 240 hours. Size 13 batteries are common in Behind-the-Ear (BTE) and In-the-Ear (ITE) hearing aids.

Size 675 is coded blue, and is typically found in Behind-The-Ear (BTE) hearing aids and in certain cochlear implants; these batteries are rather large and have the benefit of a long charge, lasting up to 300 hours.

The color yellow corresponds to Size 10 hearing aid batteries. Size 10 are the smallest and most abundant size of hearing aid battery with a typical battery lifespan of 80 hours. This size of battery is common in In-The-Canal (ITC) and Completely-In-Canal (CIC) hearing aids.

Brown always means Size 312 batteries. Size 312 batteries are on the smaller side and typically hold a charge for around 175 hours. Size 312 batteries are commonly found in In-The-Canal (ITC) and In-The-Ear (ITE) hearing aids.

These 4 battery sizes cover most hearing aids, but there are some exceptions that require different batteries. Most in-store providers of hearing aid batteries advertise and stock the more common battery types above, but if you ask them for a special type, they can normally obtain it for you.

Don’t forget to browse the owner’s manual that comes with your unit before purchasing batteries, because a number of the new hearing aids have rechargeable batteries, so you need disposable batteries only as a backup in the event of emergencies. To keep your batteries fully charged after you buy them, always store them in the original unopened packages at room temperature.

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